Sunday, March 13, 2011

How personal?

Dear readers,
As I was sitting at my desk (in my finally-cleaned room!) working on a paper for Advanced Comp, I was struggling with how to give personal examples without ratting out people I know. So my question is, how personal can/should a personal or familiar essay be? How can one be honest and open with their readers, without sharing too much personal information?

I also struggle with topics. I have a million things I could write about, yet I take forever to choose a topic for anything: essay, poem, story. I always want my topic to be good, interesting, and original. I really need to start on my fiction story for Imaginative Writing (actually, I should have already started on it). I just can't come up with a story that I really want to write about. If worst comes to worst, I can pull out something from my senior creative writing class and revise it a little. We'll see.

On a different note, Josh finished CPR and First Responders last week, passed with flying colors, and came home for the weekend. We got to hang out Friday night and Saturday, but it went by way too quickly. Plus, we both had to work for a while. He's on his way  back right now and starts Firefighter Standards tomorrow.

Midterms went very well, I didn't really have midterm tests, but the grades were taken from everything I've done so far. Straight A's, and I plan to keep it that way til finals. I'm taking a class this summer and between that, the extra hours I've been taking, and the classes I CLEPed out of I'm hoping to graduate a semester early, even if I need to take one more extra class.

I'll leave you with this photo I took with my phone. I know it's crappy because, well, I took it with my phone. But I liked this little flower, I call it Tiny Perfection. :)



Michele said...

Personal is fine.... as long as it's about somebody beside me!

Buy Essay Online said...

While writing an essay we have to choose the topic on which we can collect data easily and of your interest.