Thursday, July 21, 2011

Puppies and kittens and babies, oh my!

I guess life can't be too bad when you spend every day with puppies, kittens, and babies :) Tuesday we did a c-section on a cat at work, and I got to help with it. It was so sweet, taking these little tiny kittens and rubbing them and getting them to breathe. Yesterday we had someone come in with 9 black and white half boxer, half pitt bull puppies. Adorable! And I've been babysitting a coworker's baby all day Monday and all day today. He's sweet.

We've been making more bracelet orders! I'll put some pictures of some new color combinations we've made. Also, if you'll look to your right, right over there ----> you'll see my facebook page widget, and if you'll just click on that, and take a look at our site, and hit that little "like" button for me, that would be awesome! And, of course, you can order a bracelet while you're there if you'd like :)

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