Tuesday, February 22, 2011

They didn't hate my poem!!

I hate showing people my poetry. Or anything else I've written, for that matter.
Which is a problem when you're in writing classes with peer review sessions and workshops.
Yesterday two of my Advanced Comp classmates had to read and review my essay, Midnight Adventures, that I posted on here before. Their response said they were interested, but I failed to explain geocaching, so they wanted to know what sort of game that is.
Today my poem was in the packet we workshopped in Imaginative Writing. AH! They didn't hate it though!! My teacher even said he really liked parts of it! I got a lot of good feedback on it, which was great.... except they TOTALLY misunderstood the poem, lol! I had no idea that it seemed to mean what they took it to mean... an outsider's perspective is very valuable, lol.

An hour after posting this, I picked up Harvey's The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing to read my assignments from Advanced Comp and read this:
2 Clarity
Most of us think our writing is clearer than it really is. We know what we mean, so we see it in what we write. But good writers see their words from the reader's perspective, because clarity, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Good writers ask, "Does my reader understand the words I'm using, the way I'm using them? Have I explained enough so that she knows what I'm talking about?..."...

This pretty much sums up the lesson I learned today.

1 comment:

Shelby said...

I love Geoacaching and I'm glad people are interested in it in your class.. Good blog.. I'm going to start commenting on almost every one again!