Saturday, February 5, 2011

When Love is Love and When You are Young

I'm not usually one to complain about snow. And I didn't think I would. But this is crazy! I don't remember ever having a winter with so much snow or such cold temperatures. It doesn't bother me for a short amount of time... but all these snow days, and record days for my friends having car wrecks are starting to get old. It is pretty though. I just wish it wasn't dangerous. :)

So I have to say I'm actually kind of pleasantly surprised that people seem to be coming here. Shelby is the only one who leaves me comments, but my page views and followers have been steadily going up, so thanks everyone! By the way, you can all comment even if you don't have an account. Also, if you don't want to take the time to comment I've added little buttons at the bottom of each post that you can check to indicate your response. This just lets me know people have read it and what they think :) I know it's cut off a little right now but I'm working on that.

Yesterday I did some winter cleaning, I guess you could say. Maybe I'm just anxious for spring, haha. Actually I'm thinking summer... 75 degrees, swimsuits and shorts and lazy days and sunburns... ahhh :) I can't wait. But anyways, back to the point. I went through the cedar chest that I have at the end of my bed and I couldn't believe what was in there. I threw away two bags full of junk and got it all organized. The stuff was crazy, though... some of it I had no idea why I'd kept, some of it brought back memories, like drafts and drawings for a book a friend and I were determined to write several years ago.

Another thing that bothers me about all this snow is that I've been cooped up too much! I get really bored when I'm in the house all day. I work out on the Wii Fit, clean, do a little homework... it just gets boring. Yesterday Josh (my boyfriend) rescued me when he got off work though. We went to WalMart.... I know that doesn't sound too exciting, but it's way better than sitting around the house all day! haha :) Oh yeah... another bad thing about snow: busted pipes. I went outside yesterday and found water running down the ditch and the sound of rushing water... which isn't really normal in below freezing temps. Then I found the source: water gushing from a busted pipe on the side of the house. Fortunately it was just the pipes to the sprinkler system and the landlord got it fixed pretty soon.

I've posted a few things on eBay lately. Random things I've never used and never will. I was surprised what will sell on eBay! haha I really didn't think anyone would find, much less buy, that stuff.

Here is a random picture of Josh and I on a little island when we went kayaking last week.

Alright I think that's all for today. Te amo!


Shelby said...

I post every day cause I get bored and I only follow you and one of my other friends that got a blog just cause I have but I just think it makes people's(not a word) day when you get a comment.. It's kinda like.. "heyy! Someone cares/read my post!" lol soo I try to come up with something to say on your blogs :)

Anonymous said...

Remember The Top Hat? ;) Haha. :D wow.
I am so ready for the snow to go away. Summer would be lovely about now. :)
You're blogging again! Wow. :P

Emma said...

@Shelby Yes you're the best :) haha

@Hannah Yes that's what I was talking about :) Remember those awful drawings I did that you were nice enough to say were good? haha I mean, you couldn't have really meant that
Yeah... I am.. you can pretty much thank Shelby for that :P