Thursday, February 10, 2011

Smile List

I don't remember where I originally got the idea for this, but last semester I took a page in my notebook and wrote "Smile List". I then simply made a list of things that made me smile, or made me happy, that day. I have a tendency to get caught up in negative things. Things that make me sad or upset me or just suck. I end up getting down in the dumps and depressed. In that view, other things begin to seem negative also, until I just feel like my life sucks. When in reality, my life is great. It's amazing. I play mental games with myself to help myself through a lot of things... and this is one of them. So, I'm going to start posting a "Smile List" on here sometimes. It will help me to focus on the pleasant things in life. I'll go ahead and start, but it will be pretty short today because I didn't do much, and didn't consciously keep track all day. But here we go.

Smile List
Sleeping in until noon
Getting a perfect balance score on Wii Fit
Seeing my sister and her husband
Lots of snow - even though I'm very ready for warm temps
Getting my essay done for my Humanities test
My mom helping me file my taxes and finding out that I'm going to get back a lot more than I thought I would
My mom's homemade rolls
No-bake cookies
Watching Dear John
Cuddling with my cat, Tinkerbell
Watching Julie and Julia with my mom
My amazing boyfriend - even though I didn't get to see him today because of the weather, at least I could text him. He makes me feel loved and beautiful every day


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